Thursday, October 1, 2009

Drawing the Line

Where do we draw the line in society these days?

I am extremely distrubed due to a recent "twitter post" that was brought to my attention. A woman found it socially acceptable and moral to "tweet" that she was in a meeting and having a miscarriage and to top it off, she was HAPPY about it. I'm sure many of you have heard about it, but if you haven't here is her direct quote:

"I'm in a board meeting. Having a miscarriage. Thank goodness, because there's a f***-up 3-week hoop-jump to have an abortion in Wisconsin."

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! This is the kind of world we live in now that woman can "tweet" about not only currently having a miscarriage but also abortion? I was so upset about this, I cried, I for the life of me can not even begin to understand how someone can be happy about having a miscarriage, many woman in my family have had them, I am at risk to have them and I will tell you no one I know of was ever HAPPY about it! That is sick!

It's clear that people in our country really stretch our "freedom of speach" right. Whatever happened to some censorship? TO MORALS? It's disgusting.

Did you also know that last week the f word was used on SNL? I don't think it was intented to be, but it was. Has that word truly found a place in society where it is okay to say in an everyday sentence? Say that word to me or anyone who works in my office and it will get you kicked out faster than you'd believe.

Also, now people are investigating polls on facebook based off of our current president.

Where is the line drawn in the world today? What is now "socially acceptable"? I would hope that it wouldn't be the freedom to do all of the above.

All I have to say is, I am going to make 100% sure I take off for the March for Life in DC this year, it's going to mean a lot! Things are heading down hill and I am not going down without a fight! THIS IS SOMETHING I STRONGLY BELIEVE IN! Whose with me?? Let's all go stand together this January!

I'm sooooo angry!

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