Friday, October 23, 2009

I wonder...

Sometimes I wonder, is all of this really worth it? Before I go on, let me tell you, I'm not talking about life in general, I'm not depressed or anything along those lines, I'M STRESSED beyond belief, to the point of almost tears today.

I find myself tonight sitting at the computer listening to endless Christmas music because it makes me truly happy. It reminds me of all the things I love, my Faith, my family, my friends, snow, that whole time of the year.

This past week was a high stress time all around me. I couldn't escape it, not at work, after work, I'd come home to endless problems. My sister was hurt, my cousins are sick with the swine flu, a friend of mine lost her father, many people I work with are sick, causing us to be EXTREMELY short staffed today, the doctors all ran behind, I became the "punching bag" for unhappy patients.

Don't get me wrong, I have a good job, I work with wonderful people, I do truly enjoy my job most days, but this week was sooooooooooo hard.

I wish I had the power to fix everyone's problems. They fact that I can't makes me extremely sad. Then again, I'm glad I'm not the one in control because I don't want that job.

You know that saying, "When it rains, it pours", that's my week.

I can't wait for the day when the saying "Good things come to those who wait" comes true for me, I've been waiting a long time...

Can I scream yet? I need to get to the top of this mountain, so I can scream.

"The Good Lord gave us mountains so we could learn how to climb." ~Lonestar, Mountains.

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