Monday, October 12, 2009

Words From Above

There have been many times in my life were I have truly felt as though one of my late grandparents has had a message for me. Once, in middle school when I was going through soooooo much and headed down a dangerous path, "You'll Be In My Heart" by Phil Collins came across the radio, instantly causing me to calm down, stop crying and I knew in my heart it was from my grandfathers. It's hard to explain, but at times, I know my grandparents attempt to help me through this life. Anyone else have these experiences?

Almost 4 years ago, I lost my Nana. I've written about her before, but I need to tell more. My Nana and I were close. She was a rock in my Catholic faith and taught me a lot about who I am. She was an amazingly strong woman and she was the kind of woman that just calling her up on the phone made you feel 3,000 times better. To this day I still wish I could pick up my phone and call her for help. She gave great advice.

She had heart problems all her life, in the end I went with her to most of her appointments, sat in the waiting room during all her procedures, rosary in hand. I held her hand and prayed the rosary with her on her death bed. She is the reason why "Here Comes Goodbye" by Rascal Flatts makes me cry my eyes out. I will never forget the last conversation we had and how we told each other how much we loved each other. I can still here the words echo through my mind.

I know she helped me yesterday. I've been going through a lot recently, especially dealing with being more depressed than usual. Maybe it's the change in weather, the lack of baseball, or who knows the real reason, many humans deal with this all the time. I'm not extremely depressed, just sadder than usual. Anyway, will sifting through old boxes yesterday, I can across my "First Communion Book" My second grade teacher put together for me. Carefully tucked inside was a laminated hand written letter to me from my Nana telling me all the reasons why she loved me and why I was so special to her and my late Pop-Pop. I was instantly brought to tears at the mere sight of this letter and upon reading it was assured that my Nana and Pop-Pop still love me and are still with me and always watching over me. I am never truly alone and will always be loved. I am greatful for this gift and these words from above, even if they were actually written 16 years ago. God works in mysterious ways. Thank-you Lord for the gift of my Nana and the wonderful 19 years we were allowed to spend together. She was truly a gift from you. Amen.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

You are such a beautiful girl, Kelly...inside and out! This blog really brought me to tears...I am sitting here with Kleenx in my hands!!

You have such a beautiful faith, and your love and appreciation for the family that God has given you in phenomenal.

God bless you and never change!