Friday, October 30, 2009

All Alone

Here I am, alone again on a Friday night. No plans, no nothing, living the life of a 40 year old spinster. I'm sad. My sister Jamie is away at school visiting her friends, Halloween party, she had invited me to go along, but then I wasn't allowed anymore. Nikki is at a concert with her friends. I got one text message today. From the Orioles. Telling me that one of my favorite players isn't on my team anymore. I feel like I have no friends. No one calls me, no one texts me. I only have people talk to me on facebook if I talk first. Weekend after weekend I still at home alone with no one to do anything with. I've never had trouble making friends but it appears I have problems keeping them. No one seems to care enough about me to even check in. I care so much about every person in my life. So much that it hurts, that people call me mom and that people always tell me I am soooooooooo nice. But I guess I'm too nice to invite out anywhere, to do anything. Maybe I'm depressing, boring or a prude. Whatever I am, I have feelings and I'm tried of being alone. I'm going to go curl up on the couch with my dog now because she seems to be the only one who actually wants me around. Thank God for my dog, I don't know what I'd do without her. At least with her, I have someone to talk to. Someone who loves me no matter how annoying I may be.

I just wish I had a place to fit in for once. Being alone sucks and I'm extremely lonely.

Doubt anyone will even care though, I don't think anyone pays attention to this shit blog anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Catholic Underground is Saturday November 14. I think there is a group of people from Lancaster Young Adults Catholics that are going. Sure, it is not a Friday night, but I think it is something you would enjoy. I have been trying to get Shawn to go sometime but he has not been able to go.