Friday, October 2, 2009

Baltimore Bound

Anyone who knows me, knows my favorite city. BALTIMORE! It doesn't take long for anyone who just met me to figure out I LOVE THE BALTIMORE ORIOLES, in fact numerous blogs on here are dedicated to my favorite team. It's a passion of mine, baseball is a sport that brought my family together, it started back in the day with my dad playing and my grandpa coaching and my pop-pop was invited to try out for the St. Louis Cardinals back in the day, but joined the army instead and became one of my heros ;-D Anyway, needless to say, baseball is in my blood, they even won on the day I was born, beat the Minnesota Twins 2-1, welcome to the world Kelly!

The Orioles are my team because that is how I was raised. In my house, you are taught that the Orioles are the best team in baseball (all though currently we are 3 worst) and anyone who supports the yankees is no friend of yours lol. I digress, obviously baseball is a big part of my life, has been since my 10th birthday when I got to go to Camden Yards for the first time, and had my name on the scoreboard, the Orioles then sent me a birthday package, which I still have. They won that day, beat the Red Sox and Roger Clemens was the losing pitcher (made my mom happy). Most importantly to me, I got to see Cal Ripken Jr. play and while it wouldn't be the only time I ever saw him play, it was magically. Maybe that had something to do with the fact that I lost both my grandfathers in this same year, maybe I was looking for a void and the Orioles slid right in and provided stability in a crazy world.

Not only did I lose my grandfathers, I loved to a new house and left my Catholic school to attend a public school where a girl spread a rumor that I had rabies. Everything in my life changed for me that year but not my Orioles, though we've lost since then lol.

I always tell people when they ask me why I'm still an Orioles fan, "when the day finally comes that the Orioles win the world series, it will mean that much more to us, because we loved them when the were horrible, we've cheered for them everyday, we've lost with them and we've supported them and when that day finally comes, they won't just be winning the world series for them, they will be winning it for all of us." and it's the truth.

So what should a die-hard Orioles fan like me do on the last weekend of baseball? Well, funny you should ask. My best friend and I decided that since we were so lucky to go to the first game of the Orioles season this year (for free don't ya know), why not go for the last? And also put a little icing on the top, go for the last two. And so we are, tomorrow we are leaving at 12:30, heading to Baltimore, watching the O's, tasting a little of the night life, heading to bed in our beautiful hotel that over looks the stadium and going to the game on Sunday.

Thus completing another goal on my list of things to do in my lifetime. If only that world series could come now! I have no control over that goal lol.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, I know I will, and look for pictures and a blog to come most likely Monday, if not Sunday night lol. What can I say? I'm die-hard :-D

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