Tuesday, July 28, 2009


What are your thoughts on internet dating?? Pros, Cons, etc.

I need to know.

Thanks! :-D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you expect to find Mr. Right on the first go around it may be a little frustrating. I have been doing Catholic Match for half a year and had many conversations with a wide variety of people, which is one of the wonderful things about Internet dating, interacting with people you might not otherwise meet. While I have only met 2 of the people I talked to in person, 1 of them only went to a first meeting, I have enjoyed the interaction I have encountered. I have not come across any weird, strange, women, no matter how hard I try to find them. :-) That is another nice thing, you get to know someone before actually meeting them, and you have the opportunity to ignore the stalker types and only talk to people that are of interest to you.