Monday, July 6, 2009

It's my birthday

woo hoo... sorry not very excited about turning 23. No goals have been accomplished and I'm stressing. oh well, who isn't now?? obviously things aren't going to well for pretty much the ENTIRE world, why should it be different for me? I find myself a tad depressed today... don't know why, I just am. Hate to see what I'll be like on my 30th birthday. I did however, get a new camera :-D

ANYWAY, yesterday was a blast! Birthday celebration was fun, lunch with my best friend and then fireworks, but the funniest thing happened AFTER. Shawn hit me in the face with a pie!!! That's one thing I can check off my list of things to do before I die lol it was great! But the highlight of the evening had to be when we were all dancing around with sparklers in Long's Park laughing and talking and this little kid came up and said to us, "hey, can I light my sparkler on your fire?" and we were like What? we turned around and our blanket was on fire! It doesn't sound funny, but it was and I'm still laughing about it, my mom didn't find it so funny, but it's okay because we were all okay and I've been laughing about it all day.

It will be what gets me through my day tomorrow... start work at 7. One of the doctor's is coming in early... *sigh* it will be a long, busy, stressful day and I want to cry thinking about it. Honestly, I can't wait for the day when I can just be a wife and mother.

Oh well, things can only go up from here right Lord? It will get better I know. We all have Mountains to climb, it's like the one song by Lonestar (I LOVE country music fyi) called Mountains, the verse says "The God Lord gave us mountains so we could learn how to climb" I often think of that song and "If your going through hell" by Rodney Adkins oh and "Stand" by Rascal Flatts (my favorite band! seeing them August 29, have an extra ticket if anyone wants to come!). Seriously, if you have a rough day, check out those songs, a lot of country music is so full of faith, you'll be suprised how much it helps.

Anyway, going to go and watch Cake Boss (so funny!) and then a little of my Orioles, they are on the West Coast and since I have to get up at 6, can't watch it all, but will watch some, go O's win for my birthday. lol.

love you all!
God bless!


Shawn Machia said...

Hey Kelly I would like to come see Rascal Flats with you! Can I can I???

Shawn Machia said...

Lol, you should ask Lisa about what the 30th birthday is like! She just had hers.