Thursday, July 16, 2009

Update :-D

Lots has happened recently :-D it's all good. I have decided to teach 4th grade CCD this year, pending approval and all from my church :-D I'm really excited. I have always been drawn to teaching and have been telling my mother that since I was 3 I wanted to be a teacher... Should have went to school for it, but I was scared of the SAT's, seriously I was scared... ah well... If it goes successfully I might just end up going back to school. That also scares me, on many levels. I want to go to school to be a high school history or religion teacher. But here are my anxieties about it:

1. my age, I'm 23, by the time I would have graduated, I'll be 27. By 27 I'd like to be a wife and mother... not just graduating from school.

2. additional loans... student loans suck and I don't want to pay back more money.

but I do know that I need changes. And I promised myself that for my 23rd birthday I would start doing things that scare me. Which means I need to listen to my heart, follow my dreams and have no regrets. *sigh*

I am very excited about the thought of teaching CCD. On my way home from work the other day, I had my mp3 player in my right ear (my radio doesn't work, forgive me) and a song I had almost forgotten about came on (I have 430 songs on my mp3) it was a song that was given to me by the Diocese before venturing off to WYD and seeing JP2. John Paul II voice came through the ear piece telling me "Dear Young Friends, I pray that your faith in Christ will always be lively and strong this way you will always be ready to tell others the reason for your hope, you will be messengers, hope for the world." Do I have ever want to be hope for the world! Powerful message from a man that has such a close place in my heart.

My trip to World Youth Day in 2003, changed my life forever and made me who I am today. I still remember everything from that trip and strive to be the "Light of the World, Salt of the Earth". This is a small step in that direction. I'm so excited!

In other "news" I went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter. I admit it, I am a HUGE fan, I've read all the books over and over and over again, I love the movies and I will sit there and tell you everything the movie left out. It's one of the many things I enjoy, some see it as a flaw, some agree with me, it's awesome and I love it. Can't help it. Anyway, the movie was good, the beginning was mixed up a little and things obviously were left out, like always, the book is much better. But if you've read the book, I suggest going and seeing it, my sister and I are going again this weekend, if anyone wants to come, let me know :-D

Tomorrow is Friday, Saturday is the Wilson Woman's Monthly Breakfast :-D I leave for the Beach is 2 weeks from Sunday. Life is good and God is amazing :-D

1 comment:

Shawn Machia said...

Its sweet that you're so close to your family. I wish I could say the same. I love my parents, but after a week around them I am ready to get away.