Friday, July 10, 2009


So I just found out that one of the only people I still talk to from high school and actually still like is getting deployed on his birthday :-( that makes me sad though I know he's okay about it and it's what he wants to do. Being raised in a military family, it always hits me hard when someone I know is going to war. My Pop-Pop (and one of my hero's) fought in World War II, and Korea and was still active during Vietnam, but luckily didn't have to go. He was a Staff Sargent and a paratrooper and he received multiple Purple Hearts. I remember his funeral, he had a full military funeral complete with Taps and a gun salute, to this day I can't hear the National Anthem or Taps without crying. My Uncle Jim was also in the army, I'm not sure what wars, but I do know that one night he was out to the bar with his buddy, forgot something inside and when he came back out, his friend was dead. My Uncle Tommy is still active in the military. My cousin Christopher lost his arm in Iraq. One of my church families son's is currently overseas. My Grandpa was in the Navy. A great uncle of mine served in World War I and actually died in his submarine off the coast of France. It's just sad to hear about more people you know going over there. I respect them and honor them for their job, I just wish our fellow Americans didn't have to be put in harms way.

Now I have myself all sad :-(

In other news, Harry Potter comes out on Wednesday, going to the midnight showing :-D And my beach vacation is just around the corner :-D I'll be in North Carolina from August 2-9 with my dad's entire family. 21 of us ages 74-2months in one house. It is sure to be a great adventure. I look forward to getting to spend that much time with my family. I love them all and even though we all live within a 2 mile radius of each other, our lives keep us soooo busy. It will be nice to spend a week together in the peace and serenity the beach provides. Given my uncle doesn't make us all mad first... I hope it all goes smoothly. My grandma, my last living grandparent's health is starting to really worry me. Her mind is slowly slipping and I'm going to be 100% honest. I'm acting selfish about it. I mean it's only right that I get to have at least 1 grandparent at my wedding right? I pray to God everyday that at least one of my grandparents can survive to see that happy day. It scares me to think that they are all almost gone.

I just keep upsetting myself about all this. One thing is for sure though, I'm going to cherish every moment of this vacation, it's the only one the Wilson family has every taken together, all of us, with the exception of my wonderful Grandpa.

I had a really rough time with the passing of my grandfathers, they were both in the same year, 1996, I was 10 and then my Nana passed in 2007, I won't be ready for this for another 15 years. Is that okay Lord?

It's all in God's hands anyway. I trust him, for a remember a quote Mother Theresa once said "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." and another famous quote "if God will bring you to it, God will bring you through it."

I'll make it, of this I am sure. I just need to right it all out sometimes...

1 comment:

Shawn Machia said...

When my grandpa died in 1999 it was the first death I had ever experienced in my life. I was thirteen at the time. The next year my Aunt DeeDee died, who was actually my great-aunt and, as I found out maybe 2 days before she died, my biological grandmother! At that point I started to mature a little and I realized that I had known my two grandparents as a child knows them: that constant presence of love that you see once in a while and who spoils you everytime you do. But I never really knew them on an adult level as the people they were. Because of this, I made a decision that I wanted to be closer to my remaining grandparents. I did this with my grandma Machia on my dad's side, and when she died on Gaudette Sunday in 2007, I was glad that I had gotten to know her a little better. Hers was also the first death at which I spiritually assisted...I prayed for her and was present in the room at the moment of death. It was a very strange experience. My remaining grandmother is still alive and I have asked for two favors from God regarding her: that she would be able to see me either be married or be ordained, and that when she dies I might be able to be with her and spiritually assist her. Even so, I don't think I am as close as you are to my grandparents, but your blog reminded me of that.