Sunday, July 19, 2009

I feel...

I feel as though I have nothing to blog about but something is tugging on me to post anyway... I have nine work days until I leave and I keep looking at the time and saying "this time in 2 weeks..." it's driving me crazy!

I also have many feelings making my heart race, but too much going through my head... I had a dream last night that I got shot in the back taking my dog to the vet and the doctor's wouldn't remove the bullet because they were afraid of rupturing a vital organ... I have strange dreams...

Anyone know how to shut off a mind that won't stop??

You know what else drive me crazy?? Bathing suit shopping. Seriously, the fact that you have to purchase the top seperate from the bottom is outrageous. And then when you think, oh, I'll show them, I'll purchase a one piece, it's as much as the two piece bathing suit put together. Not to mention the objective of attempting to find a modest bathing suit in an inmodest society, it's enough to drive a girl insane! I found the perfect bathing suit at Sears yesterday, perfect until I looked at the piece and it would have cost me $80.00 for it! I mean come on, I'm seriously considering just wearing old clothes into the ocean, cause after all, I'm going with family and my objective is to have fun and not actually pick up guys at the beach lol. You don't need a $80.00 bathing suit to boogey board with your 12 year old cousins afterall.

Our monthly breakfast yesterday was a lot of fun, my family is loud and draws attention no matter where we good but it's okay.

I have failed attempting to get everything I needed for the beach in advance, it looks like I have to do all my shopping the friday before we leave. grrr... oh well, it will all work out. The most imporant thing has already been purchased, SPF 50 sunscreen. I refuse to come back looking like a lobster my uncle would eat for dinner.

I'm so excited. I just hope it's all I think it will be.

The Orioles won today!!! 10-2 it was an awesome game. I'm thinking about going to a game September 1, the yankees are in town and I need to help paint the stadium Orange, it anyone would like to attend with me, let me know. It's a free tee shirt night too! Go Orioles! the season is more than half way over :-(


Anonymous said...

You have to practice your fake drowning so that the hot life guard will come rescue you.

Shawn Machia said...

David Hasselhoff, from Babe Watch AHEM BAY Watch. What beach you gonna be at?

CatholicOrioleGirl said...

we are going to Duck, NC :-D never been there before, but I certainly hope I don't run into David Hasselhoff, he's creepy lol