Friday, September 4, 2009


While at my "usual place" aka Barnes and Nobles, I was casually looking through thousands of book titles and trying to see what each book might be about with out actually reading the backs, silly I know, I know you can't judge a book by it's cover but it helps to feed my crazy imagination and also, sometimes, I feel that you can get a lot from a book's cover. Take this for example, I stumbled upon "The Reality of a Jane Austen Addict". I paused for a moment and thought, hum, that could really describe me and in a downward spiral and course of events (a night thinking and all day at working thinking), I stumbled once more on the subject I long to fill, that of my future husband. From Jane Austen to Disney, us woman have had it pounded in our brains that we must find the "one true love" or "our prince charming" and of course the song from Snow White "Someday My Prince Will Come", the vicious cycle just keeps going and going. ENOUGH already, I want to scream at the world. Why is it that we all think that we won't be complete until we find our husbands? or wifes for you guys? I am dying to get married as much as the next person, but why are we all in such a hurry to get there? We are listening to society and the media and stupid movies that have no bases on actual reality and we are swept away into fairy tale land and thus we end up alone. From the time we are 2 we get this image of a man in our minds that has to be perfect. A gentleman, a romantic, someone with class and grace, all of which are wonderful traits except when mixed with, a white horse, tons of money, a castle, crowned jewels and an ego big enough to wear them on there over grown heads. Sorry, egos are such a turn off for me... Maybe the problem with all of us is that we haven't found our husbands because we are focused too much on the Fairy Tale prince and not The Prince. I personally want my husband to be more like Christ than Prince Charming any day of the week.

My blog just took a whole new turn on me as I sit here writting. It matches nothing on my notebook paper and maybe that's because there was a point to all of this. My future husband needs to be more like Christ and less like Disney princes. Hum... I need to go think and pray on all of this.

Isn't it strange how things just hit you sometimes, your eyes pop open and you're like Ah Ha! Or so I hope.

Screw what society says, I'm going with what I say. Someday my prince will come and He'll be awesome.

PS. Rascal Flatts concert=MOST AMAZING CONCERT EVER!!!!!!!!


Shawn Machia said...

Good point, though if I were a woman, I would definately marry Aladin. I love his line "Do you trust me?"

But since I'm a man, my disney princess is Jasmine ;) Something about that middle eastern, mediterranean look. And the baggy blue pants.

CatholicOrioleGirl said...

Aladin is my favorite prince and the best movie, that line "Do you trust me?" is awesome! I might just have to go watch that movie now lol