Thursday, September 10, 2009

Oh boy...

I tend to pretend to be a person who appears to have things all together, inside not so much lol. I am starting to freak out a little bit about the fact that I will have a classroom of 4th graders starting this Sunday and every Sunday until May... I am so nervous about teaching them correctly and what the correct form is and I am ESPECIALLY nervous about the fact that I will be teaching the youth minister's daughter... *sigh* I lack confidence which is what I am told is the most unattractive thing in a person, but it's true. I know I'm going to be okay, things are going to work out but a little part of me is screaming inside lol. It's hard to explain. I had to blog about it in hopes I could sleep tonight, couldn't last night, well that along with other things, but yeah. I have a large amount of butterflies in my stomach, I feel like I'm heading into this blind. I keep trying to remember what my Aunt Bernice told me (my cousin Nate's grandmother)she got really excited for me and told me that it will be an "incredible Faith journey for me and the children". I just need to keep hearing her words over and over. Now I feel like this blog entry was useless. I think tomorrow night or Saturday night I'm going to go to Barnes and Nobles and really focus on planning a successful year in CCD. It's an important year, I have to teach the 10 Commandments. I'm excited, if not for these dare butterflies. But maybe butterflies are a good thing? I don't know. All I know is that I will be the most "scared" person at the 8:30 mass on Sunday, it's good to be scared, I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and facing something new, doing what I wanted to do during this 23rd year of life. It's good, I'm growing. Here's hoping!

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