Sunday, September 6, 2009


I apologize for my emotional "public" break down last night. Guess that's what happens when you hold everything in for months at a time. I feel much better today. Going to enjoy today, my dad is currently smoking pork for 9 hours so we can have pork bbq and tonight my family is having a bon fire where I shall be burning pictures of Mark Teixeira, it's every Oriole fans dream. Hope you are all doing well and once again, sorry. Love you all!

1 comment:

Shawn Machia said...

S'ok! Pulled pork....

Crap I drooled on the keyboard. And I don't have a napkin.

You know, I think "hang in there" alot, and I wrote it to you. There's definitely an element of truth to it, but I feel like it implies mere endurance, when we should be flourishing. Lets try to not MERELY endure, but endure and FLOURISH at the same time. I'll pray for you if you pray for me ;)

Pulled pork helps one to flourish.