Friday, September 18, 2009

Cleaning out the Clutter and Hidden Treasures

The past couple of weeks have been filled with cleaning the house top to bottom and trying to dig our way out of the mess that has taken over this house. It doesn't help that I am a pack rat and so completely into scrapbooking that in my opinion, everything must be kept because I want to scrapbook it and show it to my children, it's why last night I drove down the road to take pictures of the genorators heading to TMI so I can have proof that I saw the "500 ton monsters". So glad they are out of Lancaster. The picture really doesn't do it justice, you should have seen just how huge they really are!

Anyway, our garage is currently overflowing with trash bags, our living room is stacked almost ceiling high with boxes and for the first time in months you can see the floor in my bedroom. Which is good because messes drive my CRAZY and now I can repaint given that I raise enough money at the garage sale.

**First family picture**

As annoying and hard the work was, it had a hidden gleam and special tresures for we were able to unearth multiple childhood memories, toys, and especially pictures. Precious pictures of a life with my dear grandfathers and nana who I miss everyday. And pictures of me at six weeks old that I had never even seen lol.

Most importantly, my mom found a blue rosary which my Great-Great Aunt T had left me in her will, it was the rosary she prayed with daily and left to me. I had seen it only once before now, I was about six and my mom told me she would give it to me when I was older and could care for it. Finally it has been found along with her original note to me and I have had my heart set since I was six years old, that that rosary will be my something blue in my wedding and I will carry in my hand on my way down the aisle. It will be the way I remember lost family members on my wedding day and make sure that my Aunt T who passed away only months after I was born is also apart of the special day. My mom was very close to her and I am sure we would have been close. It's beautiful.
Today also marked my one year anniversary at ABW and now I have a 401k and feel old. I guess it's a good thing though since I'll be working for at least 41 more years... it's crazy though. Planning for my retirement before I even have a husband or kids makes me laugh.

That's really me lol 6 weeks old and already wearing a baseball hat! Gotta love it!
Oh, and I've had this blog for over a year now and only realized that there is an "add another photo" button lol what is my life? Gotta love it.


Lisa said...

You have such a beautiful heart, Kelly. I loved seeing these baby pictures of you! And I really love how you just completely and whole-heartedly love all of your family members, including those which you may have never met or spent very little time with. What a precious heart was inside that little baby...and what a precious heart there still remains inside you!!!

Shawn Machia said...

You know, when I start subbing more and only working here 30 hours a week, I could begin a 401-K too, since this job will no longer be my only source of income. Hmm...I was also planning on starting to buy a savings bond at the end of every month too. Saving for retirement makes me feel smart and responsible, not old lol. I long to have a solid career and not just a money job.