Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

I'm a big fan of fall and family traditions. Today we all went to my Uncle Willie and Aunt Jess' house and had a picnic complete with Grandma's delicious scallopped potatoes (which she so lovingly sent extras home with me for lunch tomorrow :-D G-ma rocks!) my Aunt's delicious desserts and of course, it wouldn't be a family get together without a rousing game of wiffle ball :-D It's been a tradition in the family for prolly at least the past 20 years, most likely steming back into my dad's childhood. It's a lot more fun now that I am older and can follow the game, it's prolly something that aided in feeding my baseball obsession to this day. It was also a blast trying to teach my 3 year old cousin Clara the tricks to the sport. She loved hitting, hated fielding and didn't seem to have the patience to run the bases, she kept telling me that she was going to "sit on first till she has to run" lol. It was amazing, as were the efforts from my 50 year old father and 42 year old uncle as they attempted to play as the did as children.

The fall is so full of family traditions up to the Holidays, must be why I love fall and winter so much. September 12 is a birthday party for my cousin who will be 5, September 20 is the Wilson family reunion, I get to see Uncle Pete who looks so much like my late grandfather it makes me want to cry, along with all his siblings who I try to talk to since G-pa died when I was so young. September 23-25 is the Lampeter Faire where the family tries to go, get the best food, look at the things my grandma and cousins entered and how many ribbons the family as won, my G-pa use to love the faire. I love having so many family events coming up. I'm so lucky to have a large family that is so close. God has blessed me.

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