Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I actually sat at work today and wrote down all the things that I wanted to write about in my blog, it was a very bad day consisting of being screamed at by my boss and breaking my cell phone... I literally wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. Not to mention my PMDD is acting up horribly so I am so much more emotional than normal. ah well. While at work one saying kept going through my mind "And this to shall pass" and it kept me going. Also my calendar said to me "He is closer than your breathing" and made me realize that while I am having this "bad" day God is there, He was in between my boss and me today, He was there when my phone broke and maybe it broke because God wanted me to not rely so heavily on text messaging and technology. It's irritating, but "This to shall pass".

I have always felt an extreme bond or closeness with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Just looking at the image or the beautiful statue in my church calms my heart and brings me such peace. I have the above image hanging above my bed every night while I sleep. Today I begun a Novena to the Sacred Heart. Already I feel much better about the incidents of today and this time won't let it get to me, for "This to shall pass". *sigh of relief*

I am truly blessed and God is amazing.

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