Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Libby

I feel like the worst dog owner in the whole world. My poor puppy caught Kennel Cough from the kennel she stayed at while we were on vacation. The family was up all last night with her helping to clean up everything she brought up and through her coughing. She seriously sounds like a human being coughing or like someone choking on a bone. It's horrible, she is so sleepy but can't rest.

I am mostly upset at the fact that the kennel was allowed to be open while they had this infection and we even had Libby vacainated. I got up early this morning and called the vet, thankfully they got us in and now she is on two different medications to help knock this out of her system. I feel so badly for my puppy. Not to mention, in about the course of a month (since her last check up at the vet) she broke one of her fangs to the point that her nerves are exposed. She will need surgery.

I love my dog very much and all this makes me sad. I just wish we would have taken her on vacation and not put her in a kennel. Mom and Dad say she will be going to the beach with us from now on :-D My dad feels so bad for my puppy, she's getting her own steak off the grill tonight.

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