Monday, August 17, 2009


I'm going to be taking a little break from blogging for a little bit and focus more on actually journaling, going "old school". I have a lot to say and don't really want everyone reading it. I keep things bottled up inside until I burst and I'm getting close to that. So for now, I'll be keeping things private, plus I don't really think anyone reads this and I'm tired of having an online "pity party".

Nothing is going my way, I'm feeling more depressed everyday.

It's almost as if love has been dangled in front of my face 10 + times now and everytime I get close to letting a new guy in, he stops talking to me, as if God's like here you go, and then rips it away. I'm tired of being hurt, so for now, I'm going to go on a bit of a Spiritual journey and hopefully find my faith in love again.

1 comment:

Shawn Machia said...

I am excited for next saturday! I read your blog. I also am aware of the temptation to use the blog for whining. I haven't posted in a while, and while there are tons of things I COULD write about, I haven't. Generally when I blog, I try to explore ideas or relate some funny story.