Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Random Ramblings

I couldn't stay away for a long time... I tried, but I think I'm back.

Do you all know what today is?? 4 months till Christmas! After tonight, I have 36 games left in the season of my 2009 Orioles baseball, which deeply saddens me, but Christmas is a glimmer of light into the future. Once Christmas season passes, it will almost be time for spring training and 2010 Orioles baseball! And 2010 will be our year! Can't wait.

You can tell who the most devoted fans are when you look at the Orioles fans, we have not won a world series in my lifetime, not since 1983 actually. :-( But you know, cheering them on all these years, will make it that much more satisfying when we do, I have never known my team to win so I don't know what life will be like when we finally do, I may go into a stay of shock, anyway, I could talk about baseball forever and 2 days...

I am very much looking forward to this weekend, it will be a blast, especially the RASCAL FLATTS CONCERT!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! Plus a good ol' family reunion complete with G-ma's scalloped potatoes yumm... I can taste them already. My cousins and I fight over them to the point where she has to make 10 pounds of potatoes, my family is a riot lol.

I am so blessed by them all. I read on the internet today that a study is trying to prove that siblings have just as much of an effect on you as your parents, this I believe, but while I continued to read, it stated that siblings have the potential to lead you to mental illness. I am sorry, but it just struck me has humourous. Mental illness?? seriously?? Oh and not to mention, now they are also saying that there IS a reason for your appendix, guess I'm screwed lol, I have been missing mine since sophmore year and I have two sisters lol. I am glad I'm not one of those people who takes everything scientists say so literally. Where is the fun in that?

I have however been extremely tried recently, Sunday and Monday I was in bed at 8:30, am I 50 or what?? I am still sooooooooo exhausted sitting here, so I think I will go and finish watching my Orioles, then climb into bed to start Wednesday, or "hump" day, another day closer to Rascal Flatts!

Good night all, God bless!
Love you all! (especially those who actually read this, :-D you are wonderful)

Monday, August 17, 2009


I'm going to be taking a little break from blogging for a little bit and focus more on actually journaling, going "old school". I have a lot to say and don't really want everyone reading it. I keep things bottled up inside until I burst and I'm getting close to that. So for now, I'll be keeping things private, plus I don't really think anyone reads this and I'm tired of having an online "pity party".

Nothing is going my way, I'm feeling more depressed everyday.

It's almost as if love has been dangled in front of my face 10 + times now and everytime I get close to letting a new guy in, he stops talking to me, as if God's like here you go, and then rips it away. I'm tired of being hurt, so for now, I'm going to go on a bit of a Spiritual journey and hopefully find my faith in love again.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Libby

I feel like the worst dog owner in the whole world. My poor puppy caught Kennel Cough from the kennel she stayed at while we were on vacation. The family was up all last night with her helping to clean up everything she brought up and through her coughing. She seriously sounds like a human being coughing or like someone choking on a bone. It's horrible, she is so sleepy but can't rest.

I am mostly upset at the fact that the kennel was allowed to be open while they had this infection and we even had Libby vacainated. I got up early this morning and called the vet, thankfully they got us in and now she is on two different medications to help knock this out of her system. I feel so badly for my puppy. Not to mention, in about the course of a month (since her last check up at the vet) she broke one of her fangs to the point that her nerves are exposed. She will need surgery.

I love my dog very much and all this makes me sad. I just wish we would have taken her on vacation and not put her in a kennel. Mom and Dad say she will be going to the beach with us from now on :-D My dad feels so bad for my puppy, she's getting her own steak off the grill tonight.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I actually sat at work today and wrote down all the things that I wanted to write about in my blog, it was a very bad day consisting of being screamed at by my boss and breaking my cell phone... I literally wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. Not to mention my PMDD is acting up horribly so I am so much more emotional than normal. ah well. While at work one saying kept going through my mind "And this to shall pass" and it kept me going. Also my calendar said to me "He is closer than your breathing" and made me realize that while I am having this "bad" day God is there, He was in between my boss and me today, He was there when my phone broke and maybe it broke because God wanted me to not rely so heavily on text messaging and technology. It's irritating, but "This to shall pass".

I have always felt an extreme bond or closeness with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Just looking at the image or the beautiful statue in my church calms my heart and brings me such peace. I have the above image hanging above my bed every night while I sleep. Today I begun a Novena to the Sacred Heart. Already I feel much better about the incidents of today and this time won't let it get to me, for "This to shall pass". *sigh of relief*

I am truly blessed and God is amazing.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Refreshed :-D...kind of...

What a blessing was my vacation. For once it actually seemed like a long, enjoyable week full of family. I have much stronger bonds with my cousins now and feel extremely greatful for the chance to get away with my family like that while we are all still here. My family is growing and it's so important to me to get these experiences out of life. The bonds we formed led me to fully believe that my cousins will always be there for me and I them. God blessed me with a truly amazing family.

Duck, NC was awesome, it was like stepping into a small town (a rich and expensive, but still small) all the neighbors were friendly, we could walk to all the stores and even the neighborhood ice cream man waved to us as a snapped his picture. It was picture perfect and the reason why I joyfully left my cell-phone behind in my room the entire time, I attempted to shut out the rest of the world and fully relax, although Adam brought his laptop and I couldn't help but peak on facebook every now and again and of course I had to watch at least an inning of my Orioles baseball every night. What's a girl to do?? Unfortunately we don't live in a world where you can completely cut yourself away from technology, I wish we could, but I degress.

I feel relaxed and refreshed and ready to go but the thought of returning to work still loams in the back of my mind... 7:45 tomorrow morning, I don't know if I'm ready or not, but will throw myself back into my job with a smile. I hate to see my work e-mail though *sigh* as is life, we can't always live in a fantasy world...

The only thing missing from my vacation was my dog. Otherwise I prolly could have stayed forever.

In reference to my previous post, I had thought that I had found an amazing Catholic guy on eharmony and we were talking an I thought things had gone well and now he stopped talking to me... I can't help but feel like I'm a character fresh from He's Just Not That Into You. Story of my life, no guy I'm ever interested in likes me back... oh well, Lord knows I've put my heart out there time and time again. Maybe I should just be a nun, can't get my heart broken that way.

Well I'm going to go watch the video I took of the waves crashing to the shore and pray for my future husband and God's right path for me.

Good night everyone, love you all!