Monday, November 24, 2008

Negative mood

If find myself in a negative mood and rather angry today. I'm normally in a good mood like all the time but sometimes things just get to me. Today I am fed up, I am sick and tired of being single especially when my jerk of an exboyfriend gets all these other girls and flants them around when he should be unhappy given all the abuse he gave to me... i know that I don't mean that, but come on what the hell? I mean, I'm a good person right? Where the heck is prince charming??? I'm beginning to think he doesn't exsist. Maybe I should just become a nun and not worry about finding a guy, they are a lot of trouble. But then how would I have the 8 kids I want? Can't do that as a nun, guess I have to find a good guy. Anyone know someone for me?? The one I like, at the rate we are going, will be married by 50. Lord, please help me find the one and if I have found the one, can you open his eyes and heart for me?? Thanks. Amen. Kelly

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