Wednesday, December 3, 2008

UNeventful evening...

So I've been away from the blogging scene for a little. Sorry, I tend to blog in spurts. Blog when the feeling hits ya, know what I mean? Well since the doctor gave me a note to stay home from work, I find myself being able to BLOG. ooooooooo aaaaahhhhh... oh my I am bored.

So, update on little old me. I've been sick for like 3-4 weeks now and it's annoying. I've been falling asleep behind the wheel and almost hitting embankments, so I have that going for me now... lol. I had to have a bunch of tests and blood work done today. Note to all, if your dehydrated, don't get blood work done, I have a rather large cut from the needle b/c my skin was easy to tear... joy... I am actually hoping something shows up on the blood work though so that I know this isn't all in my head... speaking of which, hurts, so I'm gonna go lay down.

Oh and for the first time I was actually able to watch them take my blood... this medical professional thing must be wearing off on me now lol

OH and another thing, last night our hot water heater started smoking, that's always great sign. so yea... no hot water... that sucks, but it will all turn around and be better.

I got a new phone it's beautiful and named Rucksus so yea :-D

Enjoy this picture of my future husband :-D what a cutie!

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