Monday, December 8, 2008


I have not been myself at all recently. Not that I haven't been trying... but none the less, depressing things have been following me and while I am deep in faith, I can't help but be sad. Thursday night I was out at JoAnn Fabrics buying fabric (of course) to make scrub tops, when my phone began ringing off the hook. One of my classmate's son's killed himself Wednesday night. He was only 14. It was a devestating blow, one I never saw coming and wish with all my heart could have been prevented. Tomorrow night is his memorial service. It is going to be the saddest thing I've ever been too in my entire life and I don't know if I am honestly fully ready to go through it, my family deaths are too recent in my mind. However I see the need to be there for my fellow classmate and friend far more than my need to hide away. The support I received while mourning my loved ones helped me in the end and I even had time to "prepare" for it. This was a sudden and even more devestating tradgy (sp?) and I will be there for her no matter what. Please pray for her and her family. I can not understand it nor do I think I will ever be able to, but I will support her and her family in any way I can. God bless.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh, girl, I am so sorry. I am definitely praying for your friend and the soul of her son. May God's mercy rain down upon him and lead him to Heaven! How fragile we all are in this life.