Friday, June 12, 2009

Here I am, SEND ME!

This is the first place I am admitting something to you all. Only a few read this site and I trust you all so I feel it is safe until I know more...

I have been considering doing missionary work for the church for quiet a while now. As hesitant as I may be moving away from my family and friends and completely out of my comfort zone, I think it would be best for me. I have never left home, never did the school thing, never stepped out of my circle and now I am feeling called elsewhere. I dunno. I don't want to leave the country yet, but I want to work for my church and live completely in the faith without becoming a nun because God is calling me to marriage, my heart tells me so daily.

I've out grown Lancaster and constantly hear over and over again in my head, "Here I am Lord, is it I Lord? I have heard you calling in the night, I will go Lord, if you lead me, I will hold your people in my heart."

I want to be out there with his people, doing good and spreading the Word of God. Go forth and evangelize! It's right there in my church's mission.

The only thing that would keep me here is if God brought my husband to me, that would be a clear sign. Since that doesn't look like it's gonna happen... I just filled out the application. It's all in God's hands now. I have complete faith and trust in him. All I know now is I am not happy with the direction my life is going. This may just be the right place for me to go. Time will tell.

God is good. Please keep me in your prayers while I discern His calling.

Thank-you and God bless!

I love you all!

**OH and if anyone else feels called like me, let me know and I'll send you the site! A full year as a volunteer for Christ, what could be more wonderful??

1 comment:

Lisa said...

this is all so beautiful, kelly! i am praying for you!! Keep us updated!