Saturday, June 27, 2009

Baseball High

Soo.... I am floating on like baseball cloud 9 right now. Have I ever mentioned how much I love my Orioles?!?!?!?! Last weekend I was lucky enough to go see my Birds play in Philadelphia Friday and Saturday, we won both times and actually came from behind Saturday night with homeruns by Greg Zaun and BRIAN ROBERTS! The Orioles actually completely swept the Phillies, it was AMAZING!

Anyway, tonight I got to venture down to my favorite place on earth, Baltimore and see the Birds play again. Now we were playing the Nationals, not much competition there, but it was a lot of fun anyway! We left the house at noon and took our time getting down to the stadium, I saw a shirt that made me laugh so hard, it said, "You bet your sweet *** I hate the Yankees" lol, hysterical, anyway, we were waiting in line at about 3:30 to get into the stadium @ 5, it was after all Nick Markakis jersey night for the first 10,000 people! Anyway, needless to say, the Orioles came from behind due to 3 Oriole homeruns and an RBI sac fly by my man B-Rob, AMAZING!

What does this have to do with anything? Well one, I'm currently extremely happy and two though this is a lot different of a post then what I usually write about, it's also serving as a bit of a warning...

My dear future husband, I apologize in advance for being an insane Oriole fan. I love you and know you will be a God send, but the Orioles and me are just something you'll have to handle. I hope you'll be able to follow baseball with me.

You know it makes me laugh, I pray for my future husband and children nightly, and you know how people always have ambitions for their children. I pray that God will bless me with at least two sons, I pray for one to be a Priest and the other to be a professional switch hitting catcher for the Orioles. Am I crazy or what?? Anyway, good night!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Here I am, SEND ME!

This is the first place I am admitting something to you all. Only a few read this site and I trust you all so I feel it is safe until I know more...

I have been considering doing missionary work for the church for quiet a while now. As hesitant as I may be moving away from my family and friends and completely out of my comfort zone, I think it would be best for me. I have never left home, never did the school thing, never stepped out of my circle and now I am feeling called elsewhere. I dunno. I don't want to leave the country yet, but I want to work for my church and live completely in the faith without becoming a nun because God is calling me to marriage, my heart tells me so daily.

I've out grown Lancaster and constantly hear over and over again in my head, "Here I am Lord, is it I Lord? I have heard you calling in the night, I will go Lord, if you lead me, I will hold your people in my heart."

I want to be out there with his people, doing good and spreading the Word of God. Go forth and evangelize! It's right there in my church's mission.

The only thing that would keep me here is if God brought my husband to me, that would be a clear sign. Since that doesn't look like it's gonna happen... I just filled out the application. It's all in God's hands now. I have complete faith and trust in him. All I know now is I am not happy with the direction my life is going. This may just be the right place for me to go. Time will tell.

God is good. Please keep me in your prayers while I discern His calling.

Thank-you and God bless!

I love you all!

**OH and if anyone else feels called like me, let me know and I'll send you the site! A full year as a volunteer for Christ, what could be more wonderful??

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I'm not very happy, but I think I know a way I can be...

Time to pray on it.

More to come later...

Thursday, June 4, 2009


So can I just throw out there how much I love baseball??? America's greatest pasttime and a heck of a sport?? I am missing it right now, my Orioles are on the West Coast and the games don't come on till 10 and I have to be an "adult" now and have a "real job" so I can't stay up till 2 am watching them... grrr... can I also mention that I've only been to one game this year!?!?! it was opening day and totally rocked...crap I have to send that thank-you card! (sorry alicia, i almost forgot!) geez... side note.. i'm very distractable tonight. I feel like my posts recently have been towards the depressing side and although I am feeling fine, I can't help but feel slightly depressed whenever summer comes along, especially with little siblings in the house and most of your friends still being in school and have a whole summer to do things with till all hours of the night. It would be nice to stay out till 3 and not have to worry about waking up at 6:30 for work, but I have to be realistic, that's not my life anymore, school is behind me (for now anyway). I'm on a path to adulthood, it's scary, and sometimes i feel much older for my age. I want to do something more exciting, any ideas?? hmmm... i dunno. i need to get out of the house on weekends, get out there and do things because obviously Mr. Right isn't just going to come knocking at my door randomly. This isn't the 1700's when men caming courting (though I wish it were, sometimes I feel like I'd fit in better back there). I'm extremely old fashioned and conservative. My sisters call me a "prude" and sometimes even a "nun". I think it's false, since when did it become wrong to dress modestly and not be at the bar every weekend, it's just not my style and I'm not going to change it for anything in the world. That's not me. I'm not comfortable doing the things that most girls do these days (not all, many of us are the exception).

I was watching He's Just Not That Into You last night, LOVE that movie, it is great, lots of insights AND it takes place in Baltimore, I knew that 9 minutes into the movie and if your lucky enough to watch it with me, I'll show you how and where lol. Anyway, and the common thing that the one guy was saying is that most girls are the "rule" and not the "exception" but you know what, I am an exception to every rule by the media's standards and it's a lot of fun to be that way. I sew like my grandmother, I am perfectly fine with doing household work and would love to one day be a housewife, it's just who I am. Reminds me of a lyric, "It's all apart of me, that's who I am" lol anyway, I'm ranting on and on, I just have lots on my mind.

Somewhere out there is my exception to the rule :-D

Anyone want to go to an Orioles game with me?? I want to get a group of people together to go down! It will be soooooooo much fun and you'll see a side of me that's way different lol. Let me know! Go Orioles!