Monday, November 24, 2008

Negative mood

If find myself in a negative mood and rather angry today. I'm normally in a good mood like all the time but sometimes things just get to me. Today I am fed up, I am sick and tired of being single especially when my jerk of an exboyfriend gets all these other girls and flants them around when he should be unhappy given all the abuse he gave to me... i know that I don't mean that, but come on what the hell? I mean, I'm a good person right? Where the heck is prince charming??? I'm beginning to think he doesn't exsist. Maybe I should just become a nun and not worry about finding a guy, they are a lot of trouble. But then how would I have the 8 kids I want? Can't do that as a nun, guess I have to find a good guy. Anyone know someone for me?? The one I like, at the rate we are going, will be married by 50. Lord, please help me find the one and if I have found the one, can you open his eyes and heart for me?? Thanks. Amen. Kelly

Friday, November 21, 2008

Answered Prayers

While falling asleep last night I prayed for snow. I love snow and felt the need to pray for snow. I was actually praying for a White Christmas, but when I woke up this morning, WOW what a fast answer :-D. I was woken up by a text message from a good friend that read "bet your loving this" and to myself I thought, what his he talking about?? when I looked out my window and what did I see?!?!?! SNOW!!!! like it was falling just for me! SOoooooooooo amazing! I can't even begin to grasp the way my soul feels when God sends us little reminders of his amazing love for us. And it snowed all day and it's beautiful and I feel so happy and so blessed and so glad that for once I am sitting at home on a friday night enjoying the weather with my family. What an amazing gift. God is so good. (the picture to the left is my next door neighbor's tree, sooooo beautiful, I take a picture of it every year)

Oh and I work with little angels of this I am sure. I was closing today which meant I had to stay till the doctors were done and all the patients were gone, when the remaining five of us came out to clear off our cars, someone we work with did it for us! So sweet. I am so blessed to work in an office that still believes in practicing Random Acts of Kindness. God has blessed me so.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I don't know what it's like where you all live, but in good ol' Pa, the word "snow" tends to stir people into quiet a panic and for me I personally don't see why. Let me explain, to me snow is a symbol of purity, peace and a warm blanket of love. Think I'm nuts? I'm not done yet. While as a child the word "snow" caused me to pray for snow days, time off of school, and new awesome thing to play with. As an adult I still think of it as a playtoy that comes and then melts away, but now I can see that it means so much more. We live in a very hard, sad and troubled time, there is no denying that, when snow comes and covers the ground, it places a warm white blanket of purity over this hard, cruel world and for a moment causes true peace. Everyone stays in, no hussel and bussel, this cruel word "snow" causes us to pause our lives and for a moment take a chance to catch out breaths, because what can you do when snow covers the road? I am actually praying for a blizzard this year, we could really use the blanket of love and purity over our nation right now, we need those moments to pause and breath and love. We NEED "SNOW". Let's all pray.


I was at work today and while it can be very exhausting and so annoying at times, the pure joy I get out of it lifts my spirits and makes everyday worth getting out of bed. Don't get me wrong, with the freezing cold air all around and winter snow close behind, getting out of bed into my freezing little toyota that rumbles if you hit 50 is not the greatest morning ritual, but when I get to my desk and help those patients and see my coworkers and joke with my doctors, it's so rewarding. God picked a wonderful path for me and I am so glad that I followed is direction, if only he'd lead me down the path to a wonderful man, patientce...