Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Chronicles of a Migraine Suffer

I have regretfully been a migraine sufferer of 4 years. Unlike many I know what triggered them in my life. While I won't go into the long story behind the start of my unfortunate pain, I must speak about this HORRIBLE thing called a migraine.

I have for some time now been attempting to manage my migraines to the best of my ability. I am on a preventitive and it had been working for months. Recently however (ever since my doctor switched my ppmd medication and sent my horomones haywire) I have been getting headsplitting, eye sight failing migraine headaches to the 50th power. All of which attack me at about 11:00am.

I SERIOUSLY WANT TO CUT MY HEAD OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in so much pain that I broke down and cried my freaking eyes out.

I would not wish this pain on my worst enemy, not even the new york yankees who I HATE!

Nothing is worse then having a headache that causes you to literally lose sight in your left eye, make your neck so stiff you can't look left to right, cause light, sound and smell to make you vomit, and your jaw to hurt beyond belief that even trying to tell your doctor about the pain causes you to hurt.

The doctor uped my medication.

Seriously, I can't live my life in this pain. It is horrible. I don't know what to do. I can't spend the next 70 years of my life suffering like this. I have to find a way to make it stop.

If this medication doesn't work, I'm demanding an MRI because I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I'm done venting. I'm going to go put an ice pack on my neck.

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